Support a Missionary
Our mission is powered by the tirless work of our Missionaries
Our ministry to children suffering from extreme generational poverty is powered by the tireless work of our missionaries. And your gift makes an eternal investment in this work!
Be a part of something big - support the work of a missionary!
God Said Go Missions couldn’t do what it does without its missionaries. These Christian missionaries are acting every day as the hands and feet of Jesus to children suffering tremendous hardships around Latin America, literally and figuratively wrapping their arms around “the least of these.”
The work of GSG missionaries is as varied as the places we serve. They feed, they medically treat, they teach, they work in community outreach to build healthy relationships…all in a concerted and prayerful effort to rescue some of the most vulnerable children in the world, give them hope, and introduce them to Jesus.
Before arriving on the field, our missionaries raise funds on behalf of GSG Missions to cover their own ministry support needs. But as their needs and their available resources change, your gifts stand in the gap and make it possible for them to continue to do what God has called them to do.
Find the missionary you’d like to support and donate today!
GSG Missionaries
Serving children suffering from extreme generational poverty with her skills as a nurse and as the Director of our medical ministry.
Mark is serving children suffering from extreme generational poverty by his leadership as the Director of Guatemala and Romona is working hard by his side.
Missionaries to Latin America and the founders of GSG Missions, Inc. They serve the children currently suffering from extreme generational poverty.
Missionaries to children suffering from extreme generational poverty using their skills in ministry and a servant of Jesus Christ.