Get some unique perspective from people in the middle of it all. While you can’t quite taste the volcanic dust or feel the heat, you can hear the singing. Press play. Be transported. Be captivated. Told you you’d want popcorn.
What is God Said Go?
What is God Said Go all about? God Said Go to the poor and feed them, God Said Go to the sick and heal them, Go Said Go to the widows and orphans and care for them, Go Said Go to the Nations and share His Good News!
Join Our Team
Join us on an adventure of a lifetime. Come serve with us, living life among the people of Central American and showing them the love of Jesus Christ through acts of kindness. For more information on joining our team, click here.
Loving Our Neighbors
A short video we shot in cooperation with Sepal Guatemala as part of the Loving Your Neighbor video series. During the shooting of this video we served hundreds of people with medical care and food.
Praying For A Bible
At a clinic, we had a Guatemalan doctor join us and this is her short testimony about her first patient that she offered one of our free bibles to.
Fabi's Video
This is a short video compilation that was put together by one of our girls at Rocsana’s Hope, Fabiana, also known as Fabi, with help from the rest of the girls.
Rocsana's Hope - What We Do
Rocsana’s Hope is what first brought us to Guatemala. After this ministry was up and running, the Lord expanded our ministry to what it is today. We still work closely with Rocsana’s Hope. This short video tells the story about what Rocsana’s Hope is all about.